How Black Leaders Exploit Their People for Political and Financial Gain
While the killing of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy, there are daily tragedies in black neighborhoods. For example, the unemployment rate for black males is at 18% while black youth unemployment was at 46.5% in late 2011. Who’s to blame? Whites? The rich? Are whites and the rich to blame for dramatic school drop-out rates? Are whites to blame for the way many black young people dress when they show up for job interviews?
Who should we blame for out-of-wedlock births? Welfare has led to the disintegration of the black family similar to how slavery affected the black family structure. Welfare family disintegration is worse than slavery because politicians and so-called black leaders believe that welfare is a right that is due blacks because of slavery. The welfare has done more to harm poor people than slavery ever did.
Who’s to blame for black-on-black crime? Here are some statistics from the Black on Black Crime Coalition:
While African Americans comprise 13.5% of the U.S. Population, 43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed [by] African Americans.
The U.S. Justice Department provides a breakdown of homicides by the race of both the victim and offender. Looking at the data for 2005 (the latest year available), we find that whites committed 48.0% of all murders and blacks committed 51.2% of all murders. However, whites outnumber blacks in the population. In fact, non-Hispanic whites are about 69% of the population and blacks are about 13%. These statistics alone, shows that blacks are 13% of the population, but commit 51.2% of the murders, indicate that blacks commit a seriously disproportionate number of murders.”
None of this is to indict all blacks. There is a developing black middle and upper class in the United States. Their rise came about despite economic hardships, prejudice, bigotry, and outright racism. They didn’t use these as excuses to explain failure in the black community. They fought against it.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Maxine Waters are political opportunists. Their comments end up inflaming many in the black community and creating resentment among whites.