Report No. 4:
The Obama
Administration’s Abuse of Power
By U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Ranking Member
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on The Constitution,
Civil Rights and Human Rights
Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is
more dangerous than the
President's persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness
to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive
The President's taste for unilateral action to circumvent
Congress should concern every citizen, regardless of party or ideology. The
great 18th-century political philosopher Montesquieu observed: “There can be no
liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same
person, or body of magistrates.” America's Founding Fathers took this warning
to heart, and we should too.
Rule of law doesn’t simply mean that society has laws; dictatorships
are often characterized by an abundance of laws. Rather, rule of law means that
we are a nation ruled by laws, not men. No one—and
especially not the president—is above the law. For that reason, the U.S.
Constitution imposes on every president the express duty to “take Care that the
Laws be faithfully executed.” Rather than honor this
duty, President Obama has openly defied it by repeatedly suspending, delaying,
and waiving portions of the laws that he is charged to enforce. When President
Obama disagreed with federal immigration laws, he instructed the Justice
Department to cease enforcing the laws. He did the same thing with federal
welfare law, drug laws, and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
In the more than two centuries of our nation’s history, there is
simply no precedent for the White House wantonly ignoring federal law and
asking others to do the same.
For all those who are silent now: What would they think of a
Republican president who
announced that he was going to ignore the law, or unilaterally
change the law? Imagine a future president setting aside environmental laws, or
tax laws, or labor laws, or tort laws with which he or she disagreed. That
would be wrong—and it is the Obama precedent that is opening the door for
future lawlessness. As Montesquieu knew, an imperial presidency threatens the
liberty of every citizen. Because when a president can pick and choose which
laws to follow and which to ignore, he is no longer a president.
Governing)by)Executive)Fiat) 3!
National)Security) 4!
Obamacare) 5!
Economy) 6!
Executive)Nominees)and)Personnel) 7!
Free)Speech)and)Privacy) 8!
Other)Lawless)Acts) 9!
Other)Abuses)of)Power) 10!
1. Disregarded 1996 welfare reform law in granting broad work
waivers for work
requirements of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).1
2. Implemented portions of the DREAM Act, which Congress rejected,
by executive
3. Ended some terror asylum restrictions, by allowing asylum for
people who provided only “insignificant” or “limited” material support of
4. Allowed immigrants in the U.S. illegally, who are relatives of
military troops and
veterans, to stay in the country and get legal status.4
5. Extended federal marriage benefits by recognizing, under
federal law, same-sex
marriages created in a state that allows same-sex marriage even if
the couple is living in a state that doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.5
6. Recognized same-sex marriage in Utah, even though the Supreme
Court stayed the court order recognizing same-sex marriage in Utah and Utah
said it would not recognize same sex marriages performed before the stay.6
7. Refused to prosecute violation of drug laws with certain
mandatory minimums.7
8. Issued signing statements, refusing to enforce parts of
congressional-enacted statutes.8
9. Illegally refused to act on Yucca Mountain’s application to
become a nuclear waste
1 Caroline May, Obama administration ‘guts’
welfare reform with new HHS rule, Daily Caller, Jul. 13, 2012.
2 Mark Krikorian, Today is A-Day, National Review Online,
Aug. 15, 2012.
3 Reid J. Epstein, Obama administration
ends some terror asylum restrictions, Politico, Feb. 5, 2014.
4 Julia Preston, Immigrants Closely
Tied to Military Get Reprieve, N.Y. Times, Nov. 15, 2013.
5 Matt Apuzzo, More Federal
Privileges to Extend to Same-Sex Couples, N.Y. Times, Feb. 8, 2014.
6 Charlie Savagejan, U.S. to Recognize
Utah Gay Marriage Despite State Stance, N.Y. Times, Jan. 10, 2014.
7 Pete Williams & Michael
O’Brien, Holder: ‘New Approach’
to reduce mandatory drug sentences, NBC News,
Aug. 12, 2013.
8 Charlie Savage, Obama Takes New Route
to Opposing Parts of Laws, N.Y. Times, Jan. 8, 2010.
9 Joel B. Pollak, Nuclear fallout:
Yucca decision would affect immigration, obamacare, Breitbart, Aug. 14, 2013.
1. Falsely portrayed the Benghazi terrorist attack as a
spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim YouTube video,10 and then lied about the White House’s involvement.11
2. Illegally revealed the existence of sealed indictments in the
Benghazi investigation.12
3. Failed to enforce the Magnitsky Act as required by law, by not
adding Russian human
rights abusers to a list of people not permitted to travel to or
do business in the U.S.13
4. Killed four Americans overseas in counterterrorism operations
without judicial process.14
5. Continued to give Egypt aid after the military took over its
government, even though
federal law prohibits aid to Egypt in the event of a coup.15
10 Bill Flax, Benghazi: Four
Americans Died, Obama Lied, and the Press Complied, Forbes, Oct. 18, 2012.
11 Michael D. Shear, Email Suggests White
House Strategy on Benghazi, N.Y. Times, Apr. 30, 2014.
12 Mike Levine, President Obama’s
Surprise Revelation of Sealed Benghazi Indictment, ABC News, Aug. 9, 2013.
13 Obama’s Magnitsky
Walkback, Wall St. J., Jan. 5,
14 Karen DeYoung & Peter
Finn, U.S. acknowledges
killing of four U.S. citizens in counterterrorism operations,
Wash. Post, May 22, 2013.
15 White House says U.S.
has not cut off aid to Egypt, Reuters, Aug. 20, 2013.
1. Granted a “hardship” exemption from the individual mandate for
people whose health
plans were canceled because their plans weren’t Obamacare
2. Delayed the individual mandate for two years.17
3. Allowed individuals to buy health insurance plans in 2014 that
did not comply with
Obamacare.18 Extended this delay until
2016—past the mid-term elections.19
4. Extended the deadline to enroll in Obamacare.20
5. Illegally granted businesses a waiver from Obamacare’s employer
mandate.21 Twice.22
6. Illegally continued the Obamacare employer contribution for
congressional staffs.23
7. Illegally delayed the Obamacare caps on out-of-pocket
healthcare payments.24
8. Illegally delayed Obamacare verification of eligibility for
healthcare subsidies.25
9. Illegally required people to violate their faith via the
Obamacare contraception mandate.26
10. As of May 2011, over 50% of Obamacare waiver beneficiaries
were union members
(who account for less than 12% of the American work force).27
16 Margaret Talev & Alex
Wayne, Obama Lifts Health
Mandate for Those With Canceled Plans,,
Dec. 20, 2013.
17 ObamaCare’s Secret
Mandate Exemption, Wall St. J., Mar. 11,
18 Stephanie Condon, Obama letting people
keep canceled health plans for another year,, Nov. 14,
19 Louise Radnofsky, Obama Gives Health
Plans Added Two-Year Reprieve, Wall St. J., Mar. 5, 2014.
20 David Martosko, Busted! After
promising ‘no delay’ in final Obamacare sign-up deadline, Obama administration
unveils new ‘honor
system’ extension through mid-April, Daily Mail, March 25, 2014.
21 Sarah Kliff, White House delays
employer mandate requirement until 2015, Wash. Post, July 2, 2013.
22 Juliet Eilperin & Amy
Goldstein, White House delays
health insurance mandate for medium-seized employers
until 2016, Wash. Post, Feb. 10,
23 Ezra Klein, In 2014, Congress
gets Obamacare. Here’s how they’ll pay for it., Wash. Post, Aug. 1, 2013.
24 Avik Roy, Yet Another White
House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015, Forbes, Aug.
13, 2013.
25 Avik Roy, Not Qualified for
Obamacare’s Subsidies? Just lie – Govt. To Use ‘Honor System’ Without Verifying
Your Eligibility, Forbes, July 6, 2013.
26 Joel Gehrke, Little Sisters of the
Poor sue over Obamacare fines, contraception requirement, Wash. Examiner,
Sept. 24, 2013.
27 Milton Wolf, Obamacare waiver
corruption must stop, Wash. Times, May 20,
1. Ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and
shut down a new factory because it was non-union.28
2. Implemented a moratorium on offshore drilling after the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill
without statutory authority, and continued to enact new versions
after federal courts repeatedly invalidated the moratorium.29
3. Treated secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors in the
Chrysler bankruptcy.30
4. Terminated the pensions of 20,000 non-union Delphi employees in
the GM bankruptcy.31
5. Had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property,
on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws—but no
charges were filed.32
6. Government agencies are engaging in “Operation Choke Point,”
where the government asks banks to “choke off” access to financial services for
customers engaging in conduct the Administration does not like—such as “ammunition
28 Steven Greenhouse, Labor Board Tells
Boeing New Factory Breaks Law, N.Y. Times, Apr. 20, 2011.
29 Frederic Frommer, Government takes
third attempt at drilling moratorium, Associated Press, Jul. 13, 2010.
30 An offer you can’t
refuse, The Economist, May 7, 2009.
31 Emails: Geithner,
Treasury drove cutoff of nonunion Delphi workers’ pensions, Daily Caller, Aug. 7,
Report: Obama
administration played key role in GM Bankruptcy as pensions cut for salaried
workers, not
unionized ones, Associated Press, Aug 16,
32 Deborah Zabarenko, Gibson Guitar CEO
slams U.S. raids as “overreach”, Reuters, Oct. 12, 2011.
33 Frank Keating, Justice Puts Banks in
a Choke Hold, Wall St. J., Apr. 24,
1. Made illegal “recess” appointments to the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau and the National Labor Relations Board when Congress wasn’t
in recess.34 Ignored the rulings of three
federal courts of appeals that held those nominations unconstitutional.
2. Appointed czars to oversee federal policy specifically because
czars do not require Senate confirmation, earning criticism from stalwart
Democrats such as West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd35 and Wisconsin Sen. Russ
3. As of January 2012, 36 of the President’s executive office
staff owed $833,970 in back taxes.37
4. As of 2011, 311,566 federal employees or retirees owed $3.5
billion in taxes.38
34 Timothy Noah, Cordray’s Recess
Appointment Sure Doesn’t Look Constitutional to Me, New Republic, Jan. 4, 2012.
35 John Bresnahan, Byrd: Obama in power
grab, Politico, Feb. 25, 2009.
36 Jordan Fabian, Feingold questions
Obama ‘czars’, The Hill, Sept. 16, 2009.
37 Andrew Malcolm, 36 Obama aides owe
$833,000 in back taxes, Investors Business Daily, Jan. 26, 2012.
38 Richard Rubin, Number of
Tax-Delinquent Government Workers Up 11.5%, Bloomberg, Mar. 8, 2013.
1. Illegally targeted conservative groups for heightened IRS
2. Circumvented the Freedom of Information Act, by requiring White
House Counsel review of all documents to be released under the Freedom of
Information Act that the
Administration believed pertained to “White House equities”—and
then delayed in producing many of these documents by FOIA’s statutory deadline,
or didn’t produce them at all.40
3. Got secret permission from the FISA Court to reverse
restrictions on the National
Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and emails,
permitting the NSA to search American’s communications in its databases.41
4. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking to monitor
about 80% of U.S. credit card transactions.42
5. Targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him
a possible “coconspirator” in a criminal investigation of a new leak.43
6. Secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated
7. Had meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near White House to
avoid disclosure
39 Greg Sargent, Conservatives have
themselves a real scandal on their hands, Wash. Post, May 10, 2013.
40 Mark Tapscott, ‘Most transparent’
White House ever rewrote the FOIA to suppress politically sensitive docs,
Wash. Examiner, Mar. 18, 2014.
41 Ellen Nakashima, Obama administration
had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011, Wash. Post, Sept. 7, 2013.
42 Richard Pollock, CFPB’s data-mining on
consumer credit cards challenged in heated House hearing, Sept. 13,
43 Another Chilling Leak
Investigation, N.Y. Times, May 21, 2013.
44 Mark Sherman, Gov’t obtains wide AP
phone records in probe, Yahoo News, May 13, 2013.
45 Eric Lichtblau, Across From White
House, Coffee With Lobbyists, N.Y. Times, June 24, 2010.
1. Aided drug cartels instead of enforcing immigration laws—as
found by a federal judge. Border Patrol agents, multiple times, knowingly
helped smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S.; “the DHS is
encouraging parents to seriously jeopardize the safety of their children.”46
2. Illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals, in the operation
known as Fast and
Furious,47 and then refused to comply
with congressional subpoenas about the
3. Dismissed charges filed by Bush Administration against New
Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a
Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.49
4. Argued for expansive federal powers in the Supreme Court, which
has rejected the
Administration’s arguments unanimously 9 times since January 2012.50
5. Sued Louisiana to stop school vouchers and keep low-income
minorities trapped in failing schools.51
6. Threatened to arrest military priests for practicing their
faith during the partial government shutdown.52
7. Muzzled the speech of military chaplains.53
8. Sued fire departments saying their multiple-choice, open-book
written employment tests were racially discriminatory.54
9. Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth more than $46 million to aliens
here illegally using the same address in Atlanta, GA.55
46 Stephen Dinan, Border Patrol helps
smuggle illegal immigrant children into the United States, Wash. Times, Dec.
19, 2013.
47 DOJ Inspector General, A Review of ATF’s
Operation Fast and Furious and Related Matters, Sept. 2012.
48 Jerry Seper & Stephen
Dinan, GOP sues to force
Obama, Holder compliance on Fast and Furious, Wash. Times,
Aug. 13, 2012.
49 Kevin Bohn, Justice Department
drops charges in voter intimidation case,, May 28, 2009.
50 Senator Ted Cruz, The Legal Limit: The
Obama Administration’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power; Senator
Ted Cruz, Addendum – More Cases on Obama DOJ’s Expansive View of Federal
Power; Senator Ted Cruz,
Addendum 2 – More
Cases on Obama DOJ’s Expansive View of Federal Power.
51 Obama, Holder Stand
in Louisiana Schoolhouse Door, Investors Business Daily, Aug. 30, 2013.
52 Alex Pappas, Priests threatened
with arrest if they minister to military during shutdown, Daily Caller, Oct. 4,
53 George Neumayr, Muzzling Military
Chaplains, The American Spectator,
Jan. 9, 2013.
54 Editorial: Firehouse
flunkies, Wash. Times, Mar. 7,
1. Released a mentally ill Guantanamo detainee,56 who had been a high-risk al Qaeda
fighter in jihad combat since the 1980s.57
2. Backed release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.58
3. President Obama told NASA administrator to “find a way to reach
out to the Muslim world.”59
4. Claimed the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence” rather
than terrorism.60
5. Signed a stimulus bill that spent money on bonuses for AIG
executives,61 and then acted shocked and
outraged at the bonuses.62
6. Gave $535 million to Solyndra, which went bankrupt; Solyndra
shareholders and officials made substantial donations to Obama’s campaign.63
7. Reneged on a campaign promise to cut the deficit in half by the
end of his first term in
8. Increased the national debt more in one term than President
Bush did in two terms.65
9. Extended mortgage assistance to people who bought multiple
homes during the housing bubble.66
10. Proposed rules that would have decimated family farms, by
prohibiting children under 18 from doing many forms of farm work.67
55 Terence Jeffrey, IRS Sent $46,378,040
in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address,, June 21, 2013.
56 U.S. judge orders
release of mentally ill Guantanamo prisoner, Yahoo News, Oct. 4, 2013.
57 The Guantanamo
Docket: Ibrahim Othman Ibrahim Idris, N.Y. Times.
58 Jason Allardyce & Tony
Allen-Mills, White House backed
release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi,
The Australian, July 26, 2010.
59 Alex Pepper, White House, NASA,
Defend Comments About NASA Outreach to Muslim World Criticized by
Conservatives,, July 6,
60 Aaron Goldstein, Obama Still Doesn’t
Get 9/11, American Spectator, Sept.
11, 2012.
61 Dana Bash & Ted
Barrett, Bonuses allowed by
stimulus bill,, Mar. 18, 2009.
62 Helene Cooper, Obama Orders Treasury
Chief to Try to Block A.I.G. Bonuses, N.Y Times, Mar. 16, 2009.
63 Bankrupt solar
company with fed backing has cozy ties to Obama admin, Daily Caller, Sept. 1,
64 Josh Gerstein, 5 unmet promises of
President Obama, Politico, Oct. 16, 2012.
65 Mark Knoller, National Debt has
increased more under Obama than under Bush,, Mar. 19, 2012.
66 Prashant Gopal, Boom-Era Property
Speculators to Get Foreclosure Aid: Mortgages, Bloomberg, Mar. 5, 2012.
67 Washington Elitists
Want to Take Over the Family Farm, Investors Business Daily, Apr. 26, 2012; Dave
Jamieson, Child Labor Farm Rules Scrapped by White House Under Political
Pressure, Huffington Post, Apr. 27,
11. Former “safe schools czar” has written about his past drug
abuse and advocated promoting homosexuality in schools.68
12. Nominated Timothy Geithner—who had significant tax issues69—to head the Treasury Department, which enforces tax laws.
13. Reneged on campaign promise to broadcast healthcare reform
negotiations on C-SPAN.70
14. Reneged on a campaign promise to wait five days before signing
any non-emergency bill (at least 10 times during first 3 months in office).71
15. Unilaterally, increased the minimum wage for federal contract
workers from $7.25 to
$10.10, via executive order.72
16. Cancelled all White House tours after sequestration—purportedly
saving $18,000 per week—even though President Obama had spent more than $1
million in tax money to golf with Tiger Woods one weekend a few weeks before.73
17. Adopted pro-union “ambush election” rules.74
18. Pressured Ford to pull an anti-auto-bailout TV ad.75
19. Actively, aided in George Zimmerman protests.76
20. Tried to seize a privately owned motel when guests used
illegal drugs at the motel.77
21. Shut down the Amber Alert website, while keeping up Let’s Move
website, during the partial government shutdown.78
22. Gave supervised release to a convicted criminal (an alien here
illegally) who later killed a nun in a DUI.79
68 Maxim Lott, Critics Assail Obama’s
‘Safe Schools’ Czar, Say He’s Wrong Man For the Job,, Sept.
23, 2009.
69 Jonathan Weisman, Geithner’s Tax
History Muddles Confirmation, Wall St. J., Jan. 14, 2009.
70 Chip Reid, Obama Reneges on
Health Care Transparency,, Jan. 7, 2010.
71 Jim Harper, The Promise That
Keeps on Breaking, The Cato Institute, Apr.
13, 2009.
72 Ed Henry, Obama to sign
executive order raising minimum wage for federal contractors,, Jan. 28,
73 Tom Blumer, Our Petty,
Country-Be-Damned President, PJ Media, Mar. 8, 2013.
74 Senator John Thune, NLRB’s ambush
elections would hurt local businesses, The Hill, Apr. 19, 2012.
75 Daniel Howes, WH Pressures Ford to
Pull Bailout Ad,, Sept. 27,
76 Documents Obtained by
Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin
Protests, Judicial Watch, July 10,
77 George Will, When the looter is
the government, Wash. Post, May 18, 2012.
78 Update: Let’s Move
Website Works Fine – Obama plays Politics with Lost Children, shuts down Amber
website, The Right Scoop, Oct. 6,
23. Shut down an Amish farm for selling fresh unpasteurized milk
across state lines.80
24. Spent $7 million per household in “stimulus funds” to connect
a few Montana households to the Internet.81
25. Spent $205,075 in “stimulus” funds to relocate a shrub that
sells for $16.82
26. Fired an inspector general after investigating an $850,000
AmeriCorps grant received by a nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama
supporter Kevin Johnson (now mayor of Sacramento).83
79 JW Forces Release of
DHS Report on Illegal Alien Charged with Killing Virginia Nun in August 2010
Driving Incident, Judicial Watch, Mar. 4,
80 Stephen Dinan, Feds shut down Amish
farm for selling fresh milk, Wash. Times, Feb. 13, 2012.
81 Nick Schulz, How Effective Was The
2009 Stimulus Program?, Forbes, July 5, 2011.
82 Thomas Cloud, Shovel Ready in San
Fran: $205,075 to ‘Translocate’ One Shrub from Path of Stimulus Project,, Apr. 12, 2012.
83 Susan Crabtree, Allies of official
fired by Obama mount defense, The Hill, June 24, 2009.
Office of Senator Ted
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-5922
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Deuteronomy 6: 6-7
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