Friday, December 31, 2010

It's New Year Eve

Well, another year has come and is about gone. It is a time to reflect on things past and present. How was your year 2010?

As for me, it was quite a year. My family went through a lot of trials this year. At times, it didn't seem possible to get through it all, but we hung together as a Family and everything pretty much worked itself out.  Between our Love for each other and many, many prayers we were able to survive.

I have been blessed by God. There is no doubt that without Him, I would not have made it. He blessed me with the most remarkable woman for a wife, an amazing Daughter that came with her into this marriage, two beautiful children from my first marriage, seven absolutely beautiful grand children and on October 2, an absolutely precious great grand son. What a remarkable blessing to have such a wonderful family.

Thank you Lord for this past year and reminding me that you are always there to help us through the hard times as well as guiding us through the good times.

As I look forward to 2011, I am confident that You are with me. Guiding my every step.

I would ask that you also watch over and protect my many friends and family. Keep them safe from harm and show them the LOVE that only You can give.

Thank You for all the friends I have throughout the world. Bless them all with Your Grace, no matter what their personal beliefs. Remind them that we are one people, sharing this wonderful creation. EARTH. May we learn to come together as a people and protect each other and your creation from further harm and turmoil. Though we have many differences, let us use these differences for the greater good. Help us to better understand our fellow man and enjoy each other as Human Beings.

Thank You again Lord for the bounty of Blessings You give us each day
May Peace and Love Reign Throughout The World in 2011

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